
An upgrade from our classic manicure. The service includes hand mask gloves with preloaded vitamin E and collagen-rich emulsion to penetrate and deeply moisturize the skin.
All benefits of classic manicure, plus an exfoliating sugar scrub hand massage to remove dry dead skin, revealing new smoothing skin.
Trimming, shaping, grooming cuticle, pump bar scrub, foot massage, polish of your choice.
Basic Spa pedicure plus callus treatment, sugar scrub, and hot towels to break down calluses and remove all the dead skins. make your feet smoother.
Special on package 4 in 1, sea salt soak, sugar scrub, mud masque, massage lotion, and extra massage.
Use collagen mass treatment rejuvenatethe skin by deeply moisturizeand boosting collagenproduction with eventually reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
Nails Enhancement
Full Set
SNS Dipping Powder
Additional charges for extra length and special shape.